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秘书长/理事 宋周莺
Secretary General



先后发表学术论文80多篇,其中SCI/SSCI 论文21篇,参编著作12部。曾获西部大开发突出贡献集体奖、国家发改委优秀研究成果奖、国家知识产权局优秀研究成果奖,中国地理学年会青年优秀论文奖等奖励。

Zhouying Song is a full-time professor and vice director of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling Department at the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). She is also a part-time professor in University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, board member and secretary general of Regional Studies Association China Division, and secretary general of Branch Society on “Belt and Road” Studies, the Geographical Society of China. Her research interests mainly focus on the regional development under the “flow spaces”, including trade flow, information flow and production flow. Her publications have appeared on Environment and Planning B, Cities, Growth and Change, Energy, Energy Policy, China Economic Review, the China Review, International Journal of Information Management and other international peer-review journals. Professor Song has received several national-level research grants including four NSFC funding. She serves as an active policy advisor for China’s central and local governments and is a member of the consulting expert commission of National Development and Reform Commission about the “Belt and Road”.


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